(c) Pantelis 2007 Screen Dimensions In Greek


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Why I made this program

This program was made, because from my question that I had, if the manufacturers tell the truth about the dimensions (inch's) of their monitors and if the analogy (ratio) is indeed the named one, and also because I wanted to know the dimensions in cm's for a tv 32" or 40" and also whats the relation with the Greek Golden Number Φ. (A litle explanation and links about Φ exists at the end of this page).

Also I made this program for excercise in Delphi and Html - it is my first program in Delphi if you don't mention the very first clasical "hello world"..

I spent a lot of time with this project, but the progy is very cute! although very simple.For now I am starting other considerations.. more complex projects.I 'll tell you in time..

How it Works

It is very simple.You give the named dimension of your screen in inch's and synchronously appearing three matrices with all dimensions for the ratio [4:3], [Golden Ratio] (relatively) and for the WideScreens [16:9] and shows up three rectangulars to see them how they are appear and look!

To calculate the ratio of your screen or monitor, you must measure at least 2 dimensions from Width Height and Diagonal of the screen's visible surface, that is the inner without the frames. Be Very Carefull in the measurement not to scratch your screen with the meter! Use it very carefully from distance without touching the glass or the Lcd. When you put your metrics in the correspondence program fields, it will be given to you the true diagonal and the true screen ratio.Compare it with the values 4:3=1,3333333 and 16:9=1,777777777 and the closest number will define your screens analogy.

About the Golden Number Φ

The Φ in the Greek Language is pronounced: "Chrisi Tomi" and it means Gold Cut : It is the magic analogy that the Ancient Greeks invented and used in their architectural buildings and who knows where else! It comes from the solution of the equation : a /b = (a+b)/a = Φ .If we asume that the a and b are the width and height of a rectangular, then the division of the biger side of the rectangular (a) to the smaler side of the rectangular (b) is equal to the division of the sum (a+b), to the biger(a).The value of Φ = ((1+sqrt(5))/2) = 1,61803....

It is known that the sizes of the Ancient Parthenon in Athens Greece, are following the golden ratio.I also had the impression that the old glass tv sets had ratio Φ, but I might make a mistake.Thats why I put the Φ in the program.to see it how it looks..There are many references about Golden Ratio.Some of them are:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio   Wikipedia article in English.
http://goldennumber.net   A very true believer about the golden number...
http://users.sch.gr/kassetas/ed0math24.htm   A Greek site about the properties of .Φ from a Professor of Physics .
and many more at ....   Search for yourself at Yahoo or at Google


This program was written in Delphi and the source is free for download .The program must be run in screen resolution 1024 x 768 only.

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For the source

I used Delphi version 7 and I did'nt test it in other versions.If you find anything usefull to others, or you have any comments about, email me and I post your comments as soon as possible.Thanks for your attention!

To contact me : Epidayros@yahoo.com

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